Words with LtBuzzLitebeer

Words With Baun
8 min readFeb 7, 2018


One of my first experiences with “content creation” was actually with The Division. Sure I had seen highlight videos of various games or funny videos but I had never really looked that closely at videos seeking information. The Division wasn’t my first RPG but it was definitely the first one I felt I needed help with. With all of the stats, gear, and so on I knew I needed some assistance understanding the game.

My first YouTuber for The Division was LtBuzzLitebeer and his awesome gun review videos. I enjoyed his voice, style, and how often he uploaded. While his channel and role in the community evolved and changed I still enjoy the same things about his new videos. Whether it is more weapon reviews or his fantastic “Back to the Past” series I always feel compelled to watch a few more videos for old times sake.

Please join me in checking out Buzz’s answers.

What initially inspired you to begin creating content on Youtube?

L — I had been watching YouTube content creators from Machinima from as far back as Modern Warfare 2 post their videos and they were so simplistic in format, but they were entertaining to watch. I always told myself that if I ever got the opportunity to be able to afford the recording equipment, and got that creative fire in my belly, that I was going to give it a shot. On top of that, I had heard many times that I had the “voice” for narrating, so armed with newly purchased recording equipment and my voice, I got into content creation.

…I draw energy from people that are positive and respectful towards others…

Who are the figures in gaming, or otherwise, that inspire you?

L — I can’t name any one person that inspires me and would have to say that it is the love, loyalty and support of my family that keeps me going. Other than that, I draw energy from people that are positive and respectful towards others and always try to isolate or completely ignore anything or anyone that I deem toxic.

What is the most important thing you’ve done on your channel?

L — I wouldn’t call it the most important thing I’ve ever done, but the content I felt the strongest and deepest connections to were the video(s) I helped create opposing the microtransactions and monetized rng loot caches. I caught a lot of grief from members of the community, but I was so committed to standing up against that practice, that I was willing to sacrifice everything just to make that one point heard. Other than those videos, I think my most important contributions have been with helping players understand the functionality of the game and answer any questions they may have.

Image of The Division’s “Encrypted Cache”

What was your favorite game you played as a child?

L — My favorite game(s) I played was either Modern Warfare 2, Skyrim or Borderlands 2. I know those are entirely different, but Skyrim is a game I can still go back to, even now, and get completely wrapped up in. Modern Warfare 2 was the first game I ever played online and I can’t begin to count up how many hours I spent in that adrenaline rush of a first person shooter. What can I say about Borderlands 2 other than it was such a complete and entertaining journey that even to this day, can more than hold its own against the newest and finest AAA releases.

Are there any games coming up that you’re considering covering?

L — I’m very time poor, so covering more games is something that I have wanted to do, but I think that if I ever were to attempt that, my overall coverage of The Division would suffer greatly. Of course I want to stick around and see when/if The Division 2 becomes reality and I dabble into Warframe when I have time. I’ve have been checking out Anthem and I was considering Destiny 2, but at this point, they are nothing more than brief looks.

…stay positive, strive for quality over quantity and set realistic goals…

What is your simplest advice for new content creators?

L — If I could sit down and talk to new content creators, my simplest advice would be to stay positive, strive for quality over quantity and set realistic goals. Every new creator dreams of their videos going viral and becoming an overnight success, but the truth is, that rarely happens. Work hard, research your craft, maintain a positive outlook and you’ll get noticed.

What current trend in gaming worries you the most?

L — The most disturbing trend I see in games and gaming is the lack of originality and pushing the boundaries of what a game can or cannot do. Instead, many developers take the safe approach and instead attempt to prop up their games through monetizations, pay-walls and pay-to-win. Furthermore, not being transparent with the player base and attempting to sham them is still something I see and read about and it really disturbs me. If a developer or publisher makes a mistake, come out and admit it. The truth can hurt, but players can respect the fact that a mistake was made and admitted to.

What trend is most exciting?

L — For me, the most exciting trend is cross-platform multiplayer. I’m really enthusiastic to see what type of games this technology can lead to outside of the few titles it currently exists. I have friends that I chat back and forth with on Twitter that play on Xbox or PS4, and I think having the ability for us all to drop into a game together, on our chosen platform, is something the industry needs to be actively installing on all future titles.

What is your most guilty pleasure in gaming/music/television/movies?

“Baun, Baundiesel” — Not James Bond

L — Guilty pleasures? Well, in music it would be Linkin Park or Muse. When I’m working out or just want to listen to something to help me focus, those are my go-to choices. I don’t really have any games that qualify and I don’t watch much television. In movies, of course most anything Star Wars related, James Bond or Jason Bourne.

What gaming genre needs more attention or love from developers?

L — I think the gaming industry does a solid job of promoting most any genre of game it has. But since you asked, at least for me, the Stealth Game genre seems to becoming a forgotten element. Stealth is completely missing in many new titles, including The Division and I miss playing games like the Metal Gear series that was entirely built around being stealthy and covert.

What is the single biggest remaining weakness if The Division in your opinion?

L — The single biggest weakness that I see is how the team struggles to balance the gear sets for both PvP and PvE. Classified versus non-Classified, PvP damage modifiers, Time to Kill and Time to be Killed…it can really get a bit overwhelming and they have already seen what a small change in PvP can do to the PvE aspects, and vice versa. Not having a firm dividing line between the two camps leads to consistent balancing issues. Furthermore, when a balancing change is made to attempt to balance a gear set for one aspect, the other party gets affected as well. It can really lead to fractures between the PvP and PvE communities.

How would you like to see that resolved?

L — How do you resolve it? You need that gear diversity and build diversity to keep the game fresh, but there needs to be firm, dividing lines between the coding for gear sets as they relate to PvP and PvE. Balance is always the goal, and I can see what they attempted to do, but the programming needs to have two different power levels. One setting for gear sets within PvP environments and another, completely separate setting for gear sets in PvE environments. The issue is the Dark Zone, which combines both PvP and PvE and in that case, the gear sets would be set strictly to PvP settings with standardized damage modifiers, etc.

What item/gun/skill would you want to bring to the Division from another medium (game, movie, etc) the most?

L — Firstly, I’d like to see vehicles in The Division. I want to be able to drive around the LZ and take on convoys of LMB and Cleaner vehicles. For weaponry, I personally would like to see long range sniper weaponry, launchers and rpgs and flame throwers even if they would only be available for PvE. Remote controlled drones would also be a nice addition much like what we saw in the E3 trailer and a stealth mechanic for covert takedowns and submissions would add a whole new battlefield mechanic to our arsenal.

And last, if Captain America was in The Division what skills would be choose?

L — Captain America would of course choose the ballistic shield! Other than that, he would probably choose First Aid because he’s all about protecting those around him and being a total team player.

I want to thank Buzz for his willingness to be a part of my little project. After this edition I expect there to be a bit of delay. I need to spend a few weeks typing up new questions for the next set of people. In this time I will re-post old interviews and possibly post a video edition with myself and Baediesel. If you have any suggestions for future interview feel free to let me know!

Until next time.



Words With Baun

Husband, Father, Podcaster, @Twitch Streamer & Guy With Opinions | #TheDivision2 & #Xbox Fanboy | PC Casual | @theECHOcast Gaming Podcast Host