Words with rxlyaT

Words With Baun
6 min readJan 28, 2018


The Division is a game that has changed how I looked at games. Yes, I know, fan boy alert. I accept that title and wear it proudly. Fight me? In a game like this if you started off alone and never made effort to get involved in the “community” it would be a lonely experience honestly. That was me until last summer when I decided to figure out what a “Twitter” is and why people watch other people play games on this “Twitch” thing.

The thing that holds a gaming community together is an organic mix of developer supported community management, “content creators”, and regular old players who make up the vast majority of the playerbase. Without one the others will falter and this is equally true in The Division. Today we hear from rxlyaT or Taylor (@rxlyaT) who is a The Division player, YouTuber, streamer, and ETF Charlie member.

Please join me in checking out his insight and even a few non-gaming related things.

South Brent Crest (I think?)

What is your favorite non-gaming related activity?

Football/Soccer. I play for a team called Southbrent FC as well as a 6 aside team with mates. I’ve always enjoyed playing and have done since a young age. For anyone that’s interested, I play RB (Right-Back). I’m always a big watcher of the game and I support Manchester United.

What is your favorite game of all time? Why?

If my Ubi-friends are reading this, The Division. ;) Honestly, this is a tough one. I’ve played so many games on so many different consoles and I’m going to have to say Call Of Duty MW2 because of the memories, I met my best friend through it as well as realising and wanted to make YouTube videos around the time of that game (I was a massive fan of trickshotting and what not haha.)

What do you like most about creating YouTube content?

Getting feedback. There is nothing better than getting nice comments as well as some constructive criticism. I love helping people and if I help 1 person or 1,000 I’m going to be equally as happy. I also really like the editing process, once I’ve got all of the recourses ready I like to sit down, headphones on and just get stuck in. My least favorite part? I’m not really sure. Although I forgot mine and my girlfriends 4th anniversary because I had to do a SOTG Recap.

What feature from another game you enjoy would you love to see in The Division?

I’d love to see a DayZ esc situation within The Division. Everything is there, let me loot and scavenge kinda’ like the E3 reveal? I used to LOVE DayZ until it kinda went off the track. So yeah. Survival but really survival.

What is one lingering issue you’d most like to see fixed in The Division? Any ideas on how you’d like to see it fixed?

Game is beyond repair, scrap it.

Haha, nah. The Rogue sound is kinda annoying? I don’t know really. IMO where the game is right now it seem pretty good. (I’m not someone to go out and dig for bugs tho).

What is the greatest challenge you’ve had with weekly videos like the vendor resets?

IRL Work. I used to have to rush home from work to catch the SOTG’s but the past few months I’ve swapped my shifts so I can be at home ready and waiting. The Vendor Resets are pretty hard to do, I finish work at 1PM and try to get them on my channel by 3PM so it can be tough but I like the challenge.

What surprised you the most about the ETF process?

The amount of work behind it, it’s not all fun and games, well the games yeah kinda? I mean we were in a room talking for almost 8 hours a day on NDA stuffs and what not. It was an eye-opener and the experience as whole has given me the kick up the arse that I needed. As well as all that it was the passion behind everyone there, they all loved what they do and they really want the best for the future of The Division.

What was your favorite part of the ETF that had nothing to do with the game itself?

Getting to know some of the people I look up to personally. I met some really great people and the memories will stay with me forever. I’m so damn grateful I was invited and I hope I made a great contribution to the program. Also, I love Petter.

What is your outlook on the ETF program before you participated?

Ohhh, okay. So, I honestly thought there would be a lot more playing involved and almost lots of downtime? There was obviously a lot of playing but it was all very well spaced out. Quick turnarounds and lots of discussions on what could be done better or what could be changed. It felt like I had a 9–5 job (but the best job… I’m coming for you!).

What would you do differently at ETF knowing what you know now?

I’m not sure I’d do much differently, I think I went with a plan and executed that plan. Passed on lots of feedback I had gathered from the community and shared time with some of the greatest people I could have met.

What do you understand about the game/devs after the ETF that you wish others knew?

PASSION. This is there jobs, their life. They work so damn hard to try and give the best game they can and I could see that right from the minute I walked in. Next time you think about bashing a game, think of what’s gone into it.

“I just want to say thank you to everyone that has put faith in me…”

And last, in a “fight to the death” cage battle between all of the English Division players who would win?

Damn Baun, I’m a lover, not a fighter. I’d make sure everyone has a big old hug and then go out for drinks. Although, I think Panda would be the guy that would take anyone on. Me and Tuna would defiantly be the ones that stay out of any trouble.

Do you mind if I add one thing on? I just want to say thank you to everyone that has put faith in me, it started with Matt Shotcha, I’d be nowhere without his guidance. As well as that, all of you have been so supportive over the past year or so and I’ll forever be in your debt, thank you. ❤

I want to thank rxlyaT for his participation in this edition of WordsWithBaun. I continue to enjoy this series and can’t wait to see where it goes in the future. Stay tuned for more coming soon including one special to all of our hearts on 2/1/18.

Until next time.



Words With Baun

Husband, Father, Podcaster, @Twitch Streamer & Guy With Opinions | #TheDivision2 & #Xbox Fanboy | PC Casual | @theECHOcast Gaming Podcast Host