Words With Baun
6 min readJan 1, 2018


Words with Uber Timmeh

Hey everyone,

Here is the eleventh edition of my #WordsWithBaun Q&A this time with Uber Timmeh (@UberTimmeh). He is a streamer on Twitch who is very active on Twitter and other mediums managing various gaming communities. I am proud to have him be part of this series and I truly hope you all enjoy checking out his answers. Here we go!

What was your first game system? Most memorable game from that system?

Tim — Well my first game system I owned was an Atari 2600 and I used to play River Raid and Plaque Attack. But in all honestly I don’t think much of that was really memorable. My most memorable moment would be when I got a SNES for the first time with SimCity and Legend of Zelda. That’s when I fell in love with Gaming. The amount of sick days I took of school was legendary.

What part of streaming would be most surprising to someone who doesn’t do it?

That’s a really good question. For me I find it really hard trying to explain it to older family members. As they are mostly from an older generation it’s difficult for them to understand how video games can essentially be turned into an income or why people want to watch others play games. We were sitting around the table on Christmas Day and I was explaining how people had just donated money to our charity cause in the thousands and they were all gobsmacked.

“What I do aspire to be though is a good person to everyone I meet. I want to set an example for my son to show compassion, understanding and tolerance in a world that has seemed to have lost it.”

What are you most proud of so as a community creator/personality?

I’m really proud of a few things actually. 2017 has been a crazy year for me in a social media/content creator sense. My proudest moment was the Movember Charity stream. Not only working with some great people (including yourself) but also raising a huge amount of money for a great cause. On top of that we’ve created a really positive space over at SkillUp/Laymen Gaming that I think is inviting to new and old players where the conversation is of a high quality. It’s very easy for a group to turn negative and we’ve avoided that completely whilst growing to almost 2000 members. As for my personality, I’m most proud of the fact that what you see is what you get and when people decide they want to spend their time with you that is very humbling indeed.

What is your favorite thing to do when you aren’t streaming?

My favorite things to do are spending time with my fiancée Kayla and our little boy Henry, playing board games (especially Kickstarter ones), watching sport and enjoying a good old fashioned Australian barbeque. There’s nothing better than sitting down to a big feed of cooked meats, salads, pasta and potato bakes and bread rolls with family. Well not for me anyway.

Do you think your work experience gives you unique insight into gaming?

“That’s when I fell in love with Gaming. The amount of sick days I took of school was legendary.”

My job gives me some good insights into the industry. I’ve worked in the retail side for about 13 years now and twice a year I get to go to mini expos where publishers show us their upcoming products and we can get some hands on with unreleased games. We sometimes get some inside scoops (which I can’t reveal unfortunately) and the chance to talk to some devs face to face which is always awesome. I’ll never forget meeting Cliffy B just before Gears of War 2 was going to release. His excitement levels were just through the roof.

What initially got you interested in The Division?

Well that notorious E3 trailer for a start haha. I remember it being 3am and I’d been watching E3 press conferences when that trailer came on, I sat up in my chair and took notice because everything about the game being shown appealed to me. The graphics, the character animation, the looting, the weapons and most importantly the co-op aspect. Now whilst that trailer wasn’t exactly what we received in the end the very core of what made that trailer so appealing to me is still there. It’s why I keep coming back to it. It’s a game you can play solo or with friends and just sink time into whilst enjoying it.

What upcoming game are you the most excited for? Why?

I’m really excited for Far Cry 5. I love when art imitates life. I know a lot of people don’t like to mix things like politics and religion with the games they play but it’s often necessary when telling a narrative. I believe Far Cry 5 is going to hit close to home for a lot of people when it comes to the state of the world we currently live in and point out just how ridiculous it can be sometimes. Other than that I’ve got my eye on the The Last of Us 2, the Sequel to what is my favorite game of all time.

Who do you look up to or aspire to be like (gaming related or not)?

That is a tough one. I have a lot of people I really respect as they’ve had a positive impact on my life, people like Skill Up and Sanctionite especially. They’ve have helped me along my road to being a content creator more than they’ll ever know, But I guess there isn’t really anyone I truly look up to, sob story incoming but I grew up without a father and my mother was barely around so I did a lot of growing up of my own accord and faster than I would have liked so I never really had those traditional role models around me. What I do aspire to be though is a good person to everyone I meet. I want to set an example for my son to show compassion, understanding and tolerance in a world that has seemed to have lost it. To be strong and stand up for what you believe in, help others when you can and not be afraid to ask for help when needed. I guess I aspire to be the person I never had around when I was young.

“I believe Far Cry 5 is going to hit close to home for a lot of people when it comes to the state of the world we currently live in.”

What is your favorite part of being a new father? Most challenging part?

Without a doubt the most amazing part is watching him grow. Watching his personality develop and him trying to figure out the world around him is incredible to see. When he first smiled at me it was easily one of the best moments of my life. The most challenging is finding time to do anything else. I usually stream of a night time when he goes to bed but even then it’s not a definite he’ll stay down, those epic 12 hour gaming marathons are a no go for me at the moment but they’ll be back in the future.

And last, if you could add one feature to The Division to troll the player base what would it be?

Oh, without a doubt they need an emote of someone sitting down playing with imaginary cars or toys and smashing them together. Could you imagine the disrespect of sitting down next to someone’s body in the DZ and pretending to play with toys. I’d be tilted for days.



Words With Baun

Husband, Father, Podcaster, @Twitch Streamer & Guy With Opinions | #TheDivision2 & #Xbox Fanboy | PC Casual | @theECHOcast Gaming Podcast Host